Using Data for Better Financial Decision-Making, and Beyond, at Treasury
How does the data enable Treasury to make better decisions to better serve citizens?
How does the data enable Treasury to make better decisions to better serve citizens?
Continuous feedback and stakeholder engagement enables Treasury to add powerful new features and functionality to
What makes a community intelligent? How is it different from a smart city?
Looking for better ways to analyze data? Do you want to see how other offices are simplifying computational tasks? Then come out to the Government Advances in Statistical Programming (GASP!) workshop. This is a one-day workshop with a wide range of speakers who will present their work using open-source software for either analysis or dataRead… Read more »
Federal agencies need secure data warehouses to comply with the Office of Management and Budget’s latest guidelines, but time constraints and costliness often impede these efforts.
What is the right balance between security and access for my data?
Every project that results in the construction of a building that is not a “smart” is a project in which money savings has been lost, unnecessary natural resources have been consumed, and social improvements have not been delivered to citizens.
Artificial intelligence (AI) often works by magic. While seemingly nobody knows how it operates, people are amazed and inspired by the successes that AI has achieved.
It’s been a month since the release of the Federal Data Strategy. As agencies adjust to the shifting priorities, here are three tools that can help them meet the new, ambitious goals.
Content services platforms (CSP) are helping organizations grow into the 21st century versions of themselves by empowering employees with access to the content they need, when and where they need it.