Big Data is Revolutionizing Healthcare
Healthcare, like most industries, is undergoing a significant digital transformation and using the power of information to drive results. More than ever, healthcare demands data governance.
Healthcare, like most industries, is undergoing a significant digital transformation and using the power of information to drive results. More than ever, healthcare demands data governance.
The center would be a public-private partnership bringing together computer science, design and economics experts for brainstorming ideas for government.
Data by itself doesn’t solve problems or bring value to an organization. We need to move beyond the data, and work on harnessing its value to the organization.
There are no simple solutions to our data problems. However, a good starting point is development of an Enterprise Data Governance strategy.
Government IT leaders know that efficient data backup and recovery are integral to mission success. But there are a few challenges that agencies have to overcome if they’re really going to secure and access their data.
The Federal Data Strategy will help the U.S. government’s workforce better manage vast amounts of information.
Machine data is an authoritative record created by the activity of computers, mobile phones, embedded systems, network devices or any digital component. It includes all sorts of information, including logs, configurations, message queues, change events, call detail records, sensor data from industrial systems, and more.
These days we hearing about many things being delivered “as a service.” Recently, I got to moderate two days of discussions about mobility as a service.
Budgets are getting tighter and resources are being spread thin at the state and local level. One way for governments to stretch their diminishing dollars is to use data to make smarter decisions.
Accumulation of data is common for any organization — especially those in state and local governments. Learn how San Francisco tackles its data science.