Big Data

The Public Sector Future of Interfacing with the Internet of Things

To discuss more about how the public sector can properly interface and interact with this new world of data and sensors, GovLoop sat down with Steven Sarnecki, Vice President, Federal & Public Sector, and Stephen Bates, Director, Advanced Analytics at OSIsoft, an industry leader in operational intelligence and advanced data analytics for over 35 years.

Monitor Locally and Manage Centrally With the Internet of Things

IoT lets organizations push responsibility for local situations to the lowest level that can handle it, while providing an avenue to move collected knowledge back up to the highest level for strategic direction. The reality is smart devices offer major benefits to government agencies.

IT Operations and Security: Two Sides of the Coin

Despite their different points of view, IT operations and security depend largely on the same information in carrying out their jobs. Failure to recognize common goals and to take advantage of the common resources creates a sub-optimal situation for both IT operations and security.