Big Data

Guaranteed Prediction: Gain Incredible ROI at PAWGOV 2015!

There is no doubt that one of today’s hottest technologies is predictive analytics. Over the past several years, this approach to uncovering value in the massive amounts of data produced daily has been slowly expanding its way through government at all levels. Finding the successful implementers of predictive analytics within government can be challenging. ToRead… Read more »

Improving Data Quality: Empowering Decision-Makers with Meaningful Information

Today’s leaders rely heavily on data-driven decision making to solve complex problems that have a direct impact on their businesses and their missions. Stakeholder concerns regarding the successful operation of their organization typically revolve around so much more than just data quality that it’s oftentimes overlooked. In reality, data quality is one of the most… Read more »

Why Big Data Storage doesn’t have to be a Big Problem  

Did you miss out? Yesterday, GovLoop hosted its Second Annual State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit, an all-day, virtual event with 6 different online trainings, networking opportunities and resources to help state and local govies do their jobs better. You can now watch past sessions and be sure to read the other recaps here.Read… Read more »

Breaking Down Silos and Combining Data to Move Your Government at the Speed of Business

Today’s public sector leaders are turning to data analytics to gain actionable intelligence that can improve outcomes for citizens. How are states increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency of state government? By dramatically simplifying and increasing the use of data across agencies. Listen to the Archive

Run Fast for Your Money… and Storage

As we prepare for GovLoop’s Second Annual State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit, we are posting blogs about many of the sessions and some of the tips and best practices are experts will share. The summit is September 16th from 10AM-5PM ET and free for everyone — make sure to register here! You’ve heard it many times before:Read… Read more »

Extracting Value from Your IoT Data

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, What the Internet of Things Means for the Public Sector, which explores insights and best practices into how government is using automated machine-to-machine transactions and implementing IoT in the public sector. As organizations connect more devices, they produce more data. This isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. In fact, that’s theRead… Read more »

The Power of Prediction: Bridging the Gap between Government and Efficiency

Most Americans would probably agree that government—at all levels—is less than competent when it comes to efficiently managing taxpayer money. If you conduct a web search on “wasteful government spending,” you will be presented with a multitude of results that highlight the sad reality of government waste. Yet, despite this grim view of government operations,Read… Read more »

Hi, It’s Your GIS App and I’m Missing Something: How ECM can help GIS

I must confess that I love the potential of GIS (geospatial information system) applications. The power of GIS as a platform, combined with the tools provided by GIS maker Esri, presents an amazing way to record, document, assess and analyze the efforts and policy choices of government. The recent Esri Users Conference (UC) was chock full ofRead… Read more »