Big Data

Bringing the Internet of Things to Life Quickly and Cost-Effectively

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, What the Internet of Things Means for the Public Sector, which explores insights and best practices into how government is using automated machine-to-machine transactions and implementing IoT in the public sector. We live in a complex world. With millions of new devices and applications being produced every day, theRead… Read more »

Improving Quality of Life through the Internet of Things

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, What the Internet of Things Means for the Public Sector, which explores insights and best practices into how government is using automated machine-to-machine transactions and implementing IoT in the public sector. Hitachi Data Systems Federal (HDS Federal) focuses on the Internet of Things that matter. Using the interconnectionRead… Read more »

Data May be Open, but is it Secure?

“It would be false to say that people are happily sharing their data with us.” That’s how the Department of Defense’s Col. Bob Saxon explained his agency’s efforts to open up government data. For all of its potential benefits, open data also presents security risks to those providing the information. From loss of agency confidentiality,Read… Read more »

Using Data to Improve Foreign Assistance

We often forget the human aspect of data but improving data analytics and capabilities is more than just improving government. It means accessibility to water for someone halfway across the world, better building of schools, or smarter agricultural development methods in rural impoverished areas. When it comes down to it, big data can be harnessed toRead… Read more »

Data Analytics Open a World of Possibilities

Astounding. Amazing. Eye-opening. These are the kind of words that David Kushner, Director of Big Data Analytics and Cyber Practice at ViON, used to describe the current state of the world of analytics at GovLoop’s recent data analytics event. “A new world of possibilities is being opened for us,” he stated. “Today is a very exciting time.” According toRead… Read more »

The World of Big Data as a Service: The Next Big Thing

With overwhelming usage of accessible technology in everyday life, there has been massive increase in data amount that are available to businesses today. The most practical usage of data is to manage and store it so as to achieve productivity and remain in the front row of the competition. But how companies can gain competitiveRead… Read more »

Why Connected Care Creates Better Communities

Smarter cities are now building citizen-centered social programs backed by big data analytics. They’re using this technology to improve social welfare and alleviate socioeconomic distress. In a recent IBM report, Dr. Jonathan Fielding, now retired Director and Health Officer of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said, “An innovative strategy that introduces improvedRead… Read more »