Big Data

Using Smart Content to Make Sense of Data in the DoD

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, The DoD of Tomorrow, which explores how the department is transforming its operations, technology, workforce, and acquisitions process to confront 21st century challenges. The Department of Defense is unique in many ways – but one commonality it shares with many other organizations is the issue ofRead… Read more »

Why You Need a Data Strategy

NASA has a lot of data. Understatement, right? In pursuit of its exploration mission, NASA has generated, collected and compiled a vast amount of data through the eyes of satellites, telescopes, robots, spacecraft, wind tunnels, laboratories and the cameras of astronauts that has helped us better understand Earth, other planets, and the depths of space.Read… Read more »

GSA Connects to Improve

I generally think of the General Services Administration as the agency that runs government. I know, I know. There’s a lot that goes into governing, but just consider the agency’s mission statement: The mission of GSA is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to government and the American people.Read… Read more »

Planning the Data Center of the Future Requires More than Technology Alone

Agencies today are being asked to do a lot with their data. With information generated by new sources – from social media outlets to mobile devices – agencies must store, monitor, organize, access, and, most importantly, make sense of data in a way that allows them to best serve the American citizenry. The data centerRead… Read more »

An Update on the Data Act

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, or simply the DATA Act, is tranforming the way federal spending is reported, managed and disclosed. Are you ready? Once signed byPresident Obama on May 9, 2014, the DATA Act became the first federal law to mandate standardized data transparency. It requires the entire federal government to publish to adopt a consistent dataRead… Read more »

New Zealand: Finding the Balance Between Privacy and Data

Good: Big data. The Cloud. Information economy. Internet of Things. Medical advances. Engaged citizens. Crowdfunding. 3D printing. Crowdsourcing. Co-creation. Co-production. Open source. Open government. Smart cars. Bad: Identity theft. Big Brother. Phishing. Spyware. Malware. Spam. Zombie computers. Key logging. Hackers. Pharming. 419s . Social isolation. Marginalization. Privacy breaches. SkyNet. Sorry about that last one –Read… Read more »

“Tool” Crazy After All These Years

We have all run into the office cliché similar to the saying “if all you use is a hammer everything looks like a nail.” Another way of saying this is that if all you see are nails, anything looks like a hammer. In both cases, the focus of misunderstanding is based on overlooking the particularsRead… Read more »