Big Data

Unlock New Insights by Breaking Down Old and New Data Siloes

The following is an interview with Chris Steel, Chief Solutions Architect at Software AG Government Solutions. To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  With big data and analytics programs, agencies can reveal new insights and improve their decision-making processRead… Read more »

Switching Lanes: Transportation Analytics in the 21st Century

Imagine no sidewalks, horrible conditions of street lighting, and poor weather. Seems like a walk in Washington, D.C. right? Ironically, this is a “wow” moment, because companies like Teradata are able to get new insights, a better understanding of what goes on in transportation and what are the cause and effects of pedestrian fatality. When youRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Big Hopes For Big Data

Big data is a versatile tool for the government to examine what is happening in our country on a minute level. Big data can tell you anything – from statistics on population, to federal spending, and all the way to density of commercial businesses such as coffee shops. This month’s DorobekINSIDER Live, called “Should YouRead… Read more »

Improving the Efficiency of FOIA at the EPA

The following is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest industry perspective on information governance. To read the full thing, head here. The EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. To accomplish that, officials must be able to provide information and data to researchers, policymakers and citizens when they need it. This means the agencyRead… Read more »

Federal Data Finally Gets Its Time in the Sunlight

What might be the largest index of government data in the world is about to come to light. How did this radical big data reveal come about? Back in May 2013, President Obama signed the Open Data Executive Order to make government data more accessible to citizens, companies, and entrepreneurs. The order required agencies to create indexes of the datasets theyRead… Read more »

Preparing for the Internet of Everything

The following is an interview with Kapil Bakshi, Distinguished Architect at Cisco. To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  According to a recent economic analysis by Cisco, the Internet of Everything (IoE) presents a $4.6 trillion opportunity for publicRead… Read more »

Jumpstarting Your Big Data Campaign

The following is an interview with Webster Mudge, Senior Director of Technology Solutions, Cloudera. To learn more about how your agency can excel with big data, be sure to check out our guide: The Big Data Playbook for Government.  One of the challenges for any IT program is soliciting support from leaders and gaining executive buy-in. AlthoughRead… Read more »

How Transceivers Can Select Big Data and Analytics

Big data and analytics fields are growing rapidly as more executives have a need to make informed decisions in real-time. Transceivers are an important part of this transformation in corporate America. A large part of the transceiver market is attributed to purchases made for designs related to the promotion of big data and analytics. ThisRead… Read more »