Big Data

3 Guiding Principles for Open Data in Government

I’m spending the day at Data Transparency 2014, an annual conference hosted by the Data Coalition that keeps the conversation on open data in government moving forward. This conversation is extremely multi-faceted. It’s barely 11am and we’ve already talked about budgeting, planning, IT, accessibility, security, and a slew of other topics that are related toRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: Where change is happening in government

Have you ever attended a budget meeting hosted by your city council? You usually are shown PowerPoint presentations filled with pie charts detailing how funds are dispersed. And you have access to your city website’s complete budget breakdown, including the projected one for the next fiscal year. But it may seem as though local governmentRead… Read more »

Technology’s Role in Powering Open Data Initiatives

Below is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest guide, Capitalizing on the Open Data Revolution. You can access the full guide here. Recently, Audie Hittle, federal chief technology officer, Isilon Storage Division, EMC Corporation, sat down with GovLoop to discuss how data can transform the federal government. GovLoop: How do you see big data and openRead… Read more »

4 Reasons You Need to Market with Data

When you provide 5,600 blood transfusions, 424,000 measles vaccinations, 18,000 safety trainings, and countless other services to citizens each day, how are you supposed to present a single organization and mission? That was the question the American Red Cross’s (ARC) first Chief Marketing Officer, Peggy Dyer, was challenged with five years ago. Her response wasRead… Read more »

7 Benefits of Using Analytics to Fight Crime

In a recent report by IBM, High Performance Law Enforcement, industry experts David Edwards, global public safety solution sales manager and Dr. Mary Keeling, manager, economic analysis, global smarter cities program at IBM, discussed the benefits of deploying an analytics program to combat crime. The report notes the significant changes law enforcement has gone throughRead… Read more »

Analytics-driven Organizational & Cultural Change at the FDA

As a continuation of my IBM/Partnership for Public Service Podcast series of discussions about using big data and analytics in a number of creative and interesting ways to support real-world business goals, Conversations on Big Data, we recently discussed with Malcolm Bertoni, Assistant Commissioner for Planning at the Food and Drug Administration, the important elementsRead… Read more »

Protecting Health Data – 3 Things to Consider

When you think of data that should be protected, health data is typically at the very top. From birthdates to social security numbers, this information, personally identifiable information (PII), is a hacker’s dream. And healthcare data breaches are on the rise, with some recent research showing a 138% increase since 2012. This is a problem not only for healthRead… Read more »