Big Data

Are Big Data and Cybersecurity a Perfect Match? Plus Your Weekend Reads!

We all know by now that cyberspace is the next frontier and that attacks are getting more sophisticated and effective. But the key to keeping your network may be big data. Teradata and Ponemon Institute have looked at the results in their report: Big Data Analytics in Cyber Defense. Sam Harris the Director of EnterpriseRead… Read more »

Turning Data into Decisions – Why Metrics Matter

The best way to maximize performance is to make data based decisions. But that process is easier said than done…or is it? John Salamone is the Vice President at Federal Management Partners. Salomone and Rick Hartman have written a new guide, Catching the Social Media Wave: Using Data to Drive Decisions. He told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Exploring Software-Defined Storage for Organizations

In today’s world, government agencies are collecting data like never before. As agencies continue to be challenged to manage the volume, velocity and variety of data, agencies are looking at new ways to unlock the power of data to transform service delivery and find new business efficiencies. This has led to advances in the wayRead… Read more »

Transparency Report Card – Did your state make the grade?

For the past four year the US Public Interest Group has graded each of the 50 states on their level of transparency. While 7 states made the honor roll, six states received failing grades. How did your state do? Phineas Baxandall is a senior analyst for tax and budget at the US Public Interest Group.Read… Read more »

Big Data and Analytics Conference- Intelligence, Defense and Homeland Security

Over the last few years, big data has been a hot topic in government. No longer just a buzzword, it has emerged as a real way to increase efficiencies, reduce waste, increase productivity and make smarter, data driven decisions. Organizations are already collecting large amount of data so the conversation has moved from “when” toRead… Read more »

Data as Paint, and the rise of the Data Artist

By Justin Langseth Editor’s note: CTOvision reader Peter Thorp spotted this great post originally at Justin Langseth’s Data Metaphors blog and when we saw it we asked Justin if he would repost it here for your consideration. -bg Art has always been a means of communication, reflection, persuasion, storytelling, and interpretation. Artists use their imaginationRead… Read more »

Arlington Cemetery Goes MOBILE – Take a Look at the New ANC Explorer App

If you’ve ever had the privilege to visit Arlington National Cemetery you know the grounds are vast. In fact there are more than 290,000 soldiers buried throughout the 624 acres of hallowed ground. The terrain can make it difficult for families to locate the headstone of their loved ones. So Arlington National Cemetery has goneRead… Read more »

Learning from the World Bank’s “Big Data” Exploration Weekend

Note: Steve Ressler suggested I post this article here, which I originally published March 21 on my own blog. It describes my firsthand experience with a recent “data dive” weekend, sponsored by the World Bank and others, where teams of analysts gathered to address a series of development related problems fed by data files collectedRead… Read more »