Big Data

Big Data revolution, changing the way we live, work and think – Plus Your Weekend Reads

Welcome to GovLoop InsightsIssue of the Week with Chris Dorobek where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead. And,Read… Read more »

How Big Data and Location Analytics are Impacting GIS for Government

Post Highlights Esri and GovLoop hosted a meetup for the GIS community Presentations include insights on how big data and location analytics are impacting GIS for government GIS now has implications for non-traditional users, and agencies can leverage current IT investments along with GIS Yesterday GovLoop and Esri hosted a meetup for the GIS community,Read… Read more »

Government Big Data: What’s Next? Experts Give Insight

Big data continues to be a hot topic in government. Yesterday, GovLoop, EMC, and Carahsoft took the discussion to the next level by hosting a live webinar Government Big Data: What’s Next? Topics ranged from how agencies are using analytics to manage data, making data more accessible, and innovative solutions to storing mass quantities ofRead… Read more »

Data rationalizing vs Data Consolidation

By ChrisScott Consolidating data centers has always made sense. Having the data securely tucked away into well-managed data centers has got to improve performance and even cyber security. It will also require fewer of those really smart, well-trained (expensive) system administrators to keep things straight. And if done right, it should save on energy costsRead… Read more »

Trends and Predictions for Government- Oracle Public Sector Summit

Oracle recently hosted the Oracle Public Sector Virtual Summit which included several presentations, online chat discussions and virtual exhibits focused on helping public sector organizations optimize service delivery in a more efficient, cost-effective manner. In case you missed it, or want to view something again, you can check out the full event on-demand by clickingRead… Read more »

Big Data and Government R&D – Turning Overload into Information

In March 2012, the Obama Administration launched the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative” to capitalize on the fast-growing volume of data in today’s world. By investing over $200 million in research and development, federal agencies hoped to extract more information and better analysis to make smarter decisions that drive growth and efficiency. As aRead… Read more »

Five ways to get value out of Big Data in 2013

“Fewer than 15% [of senior finance executives] are confident that they get helpful information for making decisions about the future.” – Corporate Executive Board, March 2012 In addition to the fact that Chief Executives feel as though they lack data for good decision-making, over 40 percent of CFOs rate themselves as ineffective in their questRead… Read more »