Should You Accept an Unpaid Internship?
You landed an unpaid internship, but you’re confused about whether or not you should accept, and with good reason. If you’re still struggling with your decision, here are a few things you should consider:
You landed an unpaid internship, but you’re confused about whether or not you should accept, and with good reason. If you’re still struggling with your decision, here are a few things you should consider:
Managing yourself is a proactive approach to success in life and careers first promulgated by great thought leaders like Peter Drucker. Learn how you can thrive with this approach.
Learn more about the free Granicus National Summit.
Last week, we discussed the benefits of advocating for yourself at work and how to prepare yourself for the big ask. Say you were prepared and confident going in to the meeting, but your ask was still rejected. What do you do next? Here’s how to push forward.
Take GovLoop’s quiz to walk through five scenarios and learn whether you’re an avoider, collaborator, competitor, compromiser or accommodator.
Change is inevitable, especially if you work for the federal government. In an industry that faces major changes to the administration and daily operations every 4 to 8 years, it is imperative that government employees and department heads have the practical skills necessary to remain resilient and engaged. Read on to hear advice from six… Read more »
Feeling overwhelmed at work and need solutions to manage it? This roadmap can help reduce stress, better manage your work load and help you find a better work-life balance.
Delays are never fun, and they always come at the worst possible time. Here’s how my recent train experience reminded me about how I can better handle professional setbacks and delays.
What strategies can you use to remain an effective professional without burning out from the burden of overwork?
It’s perhaps a cliché that many people say that their best ideas come to them in the shower. But it’s a place where we can put down the cell phones, computers and any other distractions and allow our brains to do something it does well.