5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Dad
My father provided me valuable life and leadership lessons. Dad’s work ethic has been an enduring example of how to model integrity and excellence.
My father provided me valuable life and leadership lessons. Dad’s work ethic has been an enduring example of how to model integrity and excellence.
It should be said though to managers that even with meetings being a mainstay in the work setting to keep people and projects on track, it does not mean that getting together should be a long and arduous task. Meetings can and should be an effective way to communicate information and to keep projects on… Read more »
I’m an idiot. You’re an idiot. We are idiots. This seems to be a very marketable way of selling books. But is it the best way? Here’s a few ways to not feel like an idiot.
If you start feeling or showing these signs, it is time to reflect on your priorities. We only have one life to live and we don’t want to shorten it by increasing health risks along with emotional dissatisfaction.
In the Tao Te Ching, the well-known text that lies at the heart of Taoism, the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu wrote “A journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet.” This saying came immediately to mind when thinking about colleagues and friends who find themselves stuck in their current jobs.
Learn more about the career opportunities available at the 2018 Health IT Day.
Remember the carefree activities that used to color your life? Bring some of those feelings back and add simplicity to your life.
While these steps are no silver bullet to overcoming your quarter-life crisis, they will help you navigate this difficult time. Embrace the uncertainty and know that this period is only temporary. Keep in mind that you are not alone and you will come out of it a more weathered, experienced and insightful professional.
The new year is almost here. That means it’s time to plan your professional development in 2018 with GovLoop’s list of the best online trainings for government employees.
In 1985, I joined the Peace Corps and began my service in Congo, Central Africa. I was an idealistic young man with a naively expansive view of my ability to help people and bring about meaningful change in their lives. The challenges and frustrations I experienced as a Peace Corps volunteer provided important life lessons… Read more »