Top Millennials Posts: A Year in Review
Check out First 5’s most read posts of 2016.
Check out First 5’s most read posts of 2016.
Let’s face it: sexism is real. There have been studies, research, personal accounts, and you might’ve experienced it for yourself firsthand. As a woman in the workforce, dealing with everyday sexism can be hard; whether it be subtle comments directed towards you, or being expected to do the office housework. But, while our society mayRead… Read more »
Successfully onboarding a group of new-hires isn’t easy, and keeping the onboarding consistent for all employees is an even bigger challenge. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth process.
If you’re a federal employee who’s worried about new threats to your pay, benefits, retirement and workplace rights, you are not alone. A large slice of the federal workforce is just as apprehensive as you are.
It will be another 365 days before we are given this opportunity again, so let’s not waste it. Write down, implement and measure your success in 2017. And feel free to share your resolutions with us in the comment section below.
The term coaching may not be what comes to mind when you think of a career in government, but having coaches at every level of your career is an asset.
We can all agree that advocating for yourself plays a vital role in the workplace. Unfortunately work is a complex political atmosphere even in the best situations. If being a good advocate for yourself is necessary in the workplace, then we need to figure out how to get better at it.
It’s starting to get to that time where reflection of the past year becomes a daily habit. We think about what went well, the mistakes we made, and what we could do better in the next year. And while there were a lot of downfalls this last year, there were also a lot of improvementsRead… Read more »
So maybe this time of not working isn’t your ideal situation, it’s still not the worst thing in the world. This is a great time for you to rediscover yourself and what you want to do with your life, and take the time to make yourself happy.
Let’s think about “forever young” literally and the characteristics we all try to teach our children about how to be a good person. Presumably, we can take these same characteristics with us as adults. Here are some to consider.