Keeping Your Agency on Track in Times of Change
Check out these tips to navigate and succeed in the upcoming presidential transition.
Check out these tips to navigate and succeed in the upcoming presidential transition.
If you are in a job search over the age of 50, chances are you have encountered challenges due to conscious or unconscious biases based on perceptions of the more mature worker.
While employees may be distracted and preoccupied with the election and inevitable fallout afterward, it’s crucial to maintain a sense of clarity in terms of your team’s expectations.
Consider this scenario: You dread going into work not because of your daily tasks, but because you can’t stand your manager. Many of us have been there at one point in time.
Conservation is a group effort. Fortunately, this govie is bringing communities together to practice conservation and ensure our wildlife is here to stay.
You can turn a soul-crushing performance appraisal into an opportunity to engage your staff. Make it an interactive conversation that energizes both you and your employee. My team and I have used the following format for performance feedback for over a decade. We use it for both glowing appraisals and tough reviews
Dr. Ellen Stofan joined me on The Business of Government Hour to explore her role, NASA’s science priorities, efforts at promoting science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, and space science successes. Here’s an overview of our conversation.
Are there people in your organization that regularly break promises, violate expectations, or behave badly? Does a lack of accountability and a culture of indifference encourage this behavior and make others afraid to speak up?
Don’t miss the chance to learn and grow where you are so you can take a whole litany of skills with you as you advance in your career.
While your parents may advocate for company or agency loyalty, there are important reasons millennials are job hopping more and more each year. Mental and physical health, stronger engagement within your agency, and a more resilient sense of purpose are driving millennials to jump from one job to the next.