10 (Relatively) Painless Icebreakers for Your Next Meeting
To make your next meeting a bit less cringe-worthy, here are 10 suggestions for easy, fun, and relatively painless icebreakers.
To make your next meeting a bit less cringe-worthy, here are 10 suggestions for easy, fun, and relatively painless icebreakers.
“So, tell me about yourself.” It should be the easiest question in any job interview. But surprisingly, many of us completely fumble our answers. Maybe it’s because we’re young and just starting out in our professional journeys, so there isn’t much to tell yet. Or maybe it’s because we really don’t know how we defineRead… Read more »
You glance down at the right hand corner of your desktop. You know it’s almost that time. Your Outlook alarm reminded you 13 1/2 minutes ago that you have 15 minutes until your next pumping session. And you’re dreading it. You start making compromises with yourself. “Let me just answer this email and then I’llRead… Read more »
One of my favorite professional development books is “Mistakes I Made at Work” by Jessica Bacal. It’s a compilation of 25 essays from influential women who admittedly made a few early detours on their road to success. I love the book because it not only offers some real advice for your early career, but itRead… Read more »
Don’t wait until Election Day. Dive into these books to get prepared for the presidential transition.
Teamwork is an elusive – yet critical – component of a successful government agency. Developing a team-oriented office might take a little effort, especially if doing so means changing the culture, but you won’t have to implement any expensive initiatives or invest in pricey software to make it happen.
NASA Goddard has given the term “bill of rights” an entirely new meaning and redefined the way new employees are treated on their first day at work.
These tips will help you feel more confident the next time you present on a webinar so that you can laugh off any glitches and continue on with style.
Lots of things can go wrong when designing PowerPoints. Let’s talk about how to make PowerPoints right.
They say that in government networking is the name of the game. One particular tool that can really help you make meaningful connections, as a young professional, is highly underutilized because few actually know its purpose or protocol: it’s called the informational interview. It’s okay if you’ve never heard of it. Prior to arriving inRead… Read more »