Make 2016 the Year You Take Your Seat at the Table
As we contemplate our goals for 2016, consider these suggestions for recognizing and navigating the stumbling blocks we sometimes put in our own way.
As we contemplate our goals for 2016, consider these suggestions for recognizing and navigating the stumbling blocks we sometimes put in our own way.
Tis the season of giving. Fortunately, millennials are already defined as a generation that is eager to give back and make a positive difference in the world. This holiday season, there are many ways you can give back if you’re in the DC metro area. Volunteering not only helps those in need, but also canRead… Read more »
Oftentimes we associate innovations with new inventions that produce fancy gadgets and knickknacks. However, innovations encompass innovative thinking and produce new mindsets and processes. In GovLoop’s annual discussion, DorobekINSIDER Live: Counting Down the Top Innovations in 2015, three experts focused on ways government has been improving its management procedures around information technology (IT), procurement, andRead… Read more »
14 hints on how to encourage greater productivity among your team.
The truth is, most of us don’t pay nearly enough attention to our daily routine. That’s why doing a weekly, monthly or yearly review of your routine is beneficial. As federal employees sometimes, we can’t find the time to reflect. But next week, you can. Instead of spending that extra four hours on doing something… Read more »
With work consuming an average of 47 hours a week, it’s important to think about the impact the workplace has on your health. The workplace can be full of hazards: stress, germs, physical discomfort, anxiety. Bringing that stress home could potentially lead to trouble sleeping, weight gain or loss, irritability and even burnout.
Don’t throw in the towel just yet. You’ve still got time in this year to accomplish at least one very important thing that you want to do before you say farewell to 2015.
If you’re still not feeling the Christmas spirit yet, maybe President Obama’s decision to give feds half-day off on Christmas Eve will get you in the mood. The president issued an executive order Friday afternoon announcing that all executive branch departments and agencies will close early Dec. 24, and employees will be excused from their duties forRead… Read more »
Almost 60% of U.S. employees are not engaged in their work.
Has your career hit a plateau? Are you bored, dissatisfied, unchallenged? Your career is stagnant. Here are three tips that might help get you on track.