
Four Stages of Industry Knowledge Expertise

Every organization has people whom are looked upon as subject-matter experts. These folks have the institutional knowledge that can only be gained through years of experience. Therefore, they are indispensable and are likely to survive downsizing, restructuring, or layoffs. As a young professional, I lean on experienced colleagues all the time to get my workRead… Read more »

When Data Remains Data

Have you ever used something once and then put it aside where it only collects dust? Unfortunately, data often has the same type of journey. Typically data is collected and then put aside, never to be used again. Jeff Neal, Senior Vice President of ICF International, sat down with Christopher Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER programRead… Read more »

A Baby Boomer’s Advice to New Employees

After years of hiring freezes and budget cuts, we have been able to finally back-fill behind people who have retired years ago.  And with work load increasing, and a decent budget, we are also able to hire some “entry level” positions to off-set our aging workforce.  Often, our job openings are filled by others fromRead… Read more »

Overcoming Technical Work Hurdles

“It’s part of life to have obstacles. It’s about overcoming obstacles; that’s the key to happiness.” – Herbie Hancock System updates..upgrades…capabilities…permissions.  I prefer not to hear those terms anytime soon.  I met with some tech-savvy staff every day this week.  I have not reached the finish line, but I am closer to my goal. MyRead… Read more »