
Got Enough Drive to Advance Your Career? 5 Lessons from High Achievers

Yesterday, I had the privilege of closing out GovLoop’s State and Local  Innovators Virtual Summit with a video chat that covered career advice for government professionals. In preparing for the chat, I reflected a bit on the traits I’ve observed in the most successful people across my 20-year career. The main distinction I’ve seen isRead… Read more »

Why You Need to Develop a Workplace Mentoring Program

A common characteristic of all successful companies is that they know how to attract and retain an engaged and qualified work force. Mentoring is one tool they use to ensure their employees are constantly learning to facilitate improved performance across the board. Below are several benefits of building and implementing a strong and effective workplaceRead… Read more »

Lowering the Heat: How to Manage Conflict

Conflict is a normal part of human nature, so it’s not surprising that we find it in the workplace. It’s probably even less surprising that it emerges when applying human-centered design (HCD). Just think about it – human-centered design is a very different way of working for most people. Many find its application uncomfortable inRead… Read more »

The No-Slime Method for Building your Professional Network: Part 1

Looking for a new job, concerned about a potential lay-off, wanting to reconnect with old colleagues, or have an amazing new idea you want to get supporters for? You’ve been told you’re “supposed” to network, but how to do it without coming off like some type of slimy salesperson? Building your professional relationships – often known as networkingRead… Read more »

How to Work from Home if You’ve Never Done it Before

When the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) urged D.C. federal agencies to let employees work from home during the Pope’s visit from September 22–24, the idea threw many govies into ecstasy. While government will officially be open for business, the OPM is encouraging “workplace flexibility options” like telework or a day off so they don’t add to the expected holy mayhem. Many agenciesRead… Read more »

Who Else Wants to Connect with Great Communicators?

At a recent professional networking group event one of the other members asked me if I could tell him about organizations like the Federal Communicators Network (FCN). By way of background, FCN is a listserv that communicators in the federal government use to exchange ideas about the field of communications. The group, which also hostsRead… Read more »

Perspective Matters: 3 Tips for a Better Attitude

Before my current state government position supporting AmeriCorps programs, I spent two years working as a community development consultant in Madagascar, the large island off the southeast coast of Africa. While living and working in Madagascar — a country and culture so different from our lives here in America — I learned a lot about perspective. And perspectiveRead… Read more »