
Moving Forward by Working Backward: From Overall Strategy to Daily Tasks

In the pages of management books and in the bottomless sea of online materials, there is no shortage of five-part frameworks and six-step plans for devising and executing organizational strategy. But Joshua J. Marcuse, Senior Advisor for Policy Innovation within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, has accomplished the feat of sifting through muchRead… Read more »

The Importance of “Yes, And…” for Collaboration

We all know what improv is. It’s a form of acting where actors create scenes and characters on the spot, generally inspired by one word or a simple phrase. But how does improv relate to what you do every day at work? And what lessons can you learn from improv as a government employee? One ofRead… Read more »

Teambuilding with Multiple Generations

With four generations spanning our government workforce, many have asked- how can we level all generations and skills to build successful teams and make government better? Leaders in government, young and old, come from all walks of life. Government’s challenge is to harness the diverse skillset, listen to all perspectives, and help generations work together.Read… Read more »

Rethinking Leadership in the Everyone-Leads Era

“It’s ok to fall out of a tree.” “Maybe you shouldn’t climb that tree.” Henry De Sio broke the ice during today’s lunchtime keynote here at the 2015 NextGen Conference by bringing his two sons up on stage to share their leadership lessons. The boys were eager to share all of the info they’ve learnedRead… Read more »

8 Awesome Tech Tips & Tricks

When you think “tech + government,” do you automatically follow that up with… “= disaster”? Jay Austin, a presenter at Tuesday’s Next Generation of Government Summit, wants to change that perception to one of “tech + government can = awesome stuff.” Austin came to HUD as a Presidential Management Fellow in a not-so-long-ago time when InternetRead… Read more »

5 Ways to Get Well in the Workplace in 60 Seconds or Less

Government workers these days are facing mountains of stress. Limited resources. A 24-7 news cycle. Constant connectivity and all of its demands. A growing disconnect between public perception and needs and the reality of services. Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways — from illness to grumpiness to self-isolation — and too often itRead… Read more »

Homophily (That Means Love of Same) OK for Dating, But Not for Mentoring

I’m white, Jewish and male. If I behaved like sociologists expect, most of my mentors would be “like” me. But I don’t. The lion’s share of my mentors are black, female and of a different faith than I. Though I’ve never personally been the subject of research on homophily —the tendency of individuals to associateRead… Read more »

NextGen Public Service Awards Winners

Why are you a public servant? That’s the question we asked the thirty NextGen Public Service Awards finalists. Their responses were inspirational and show why they were nominated by their peers, for their dedication to improving and invigorating government. We compiled them into this video that we played for over 200 govies the last nightRead… Read more »