4 Cornerstones for Federal Achievement
In order to succeed in business and in life, you have to be willing to change. – federal employee benefits
In order to succeed in business and in life, you have to be willing to change. – federal employee benefits
I know what you’re thinking. Another millennial blog? There’s already so much out there. It seems like all we do these days is talk about millennials. But hear me out: I think it’s an important time to discuss what it means to be a millennial pursuing a government career. When I started as a researchRead… Read more »
A manager might need temporary talent on a project and doesn’t have it on his/her team. Energetic employees in other parts of the agency may have those skills and would like to share them as a way of broadening his/her professional experience. How can they connect? GovConnect is an initiative sponsored by the Office ofRead… Read more »
In the wake of Katherine Archuleta’s departure as Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), it’s natural to think back on other high-profile federal leadership resignations. Some resigned from government because they did something wrong or poorly handled a key situation. Others left because, ultimately, they were the ones in charge. As Steve Huffman, co-founder and new CEORead… Read more »
This week I’m attending Federally Employed Women’s National Training Program in New Orleans. The conference offers a myriad of training and development opportunities, but I decided to start off my day with an overview of “What All Feds need to Know about the Workforce.” The presenter, Jamie Neidig, Practice Director for Human Resources and Human CapitalRead… Read more »
Attention Silicon Valley talent: “Uncle Sam” wants YOU! That is, to help reinvent government via mass digitalization of citizen-facing services across the sprawling federal bureaucracy. Several generations ago, in January 1961, President John F. Kennedy famously stated in his inaugural address: Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you canRead… Read more »
Wait – a guide on how to procrastinate? Yep, you read that right. Procrastination doesn’t always have to mean checking Facebook or rearranging your desk for the fiftieth time. Almost all of us have the tendency to procrastinate from time to time, but the most successful among us have learned to harness that powerful instinct forRead… Read more »
As you might remember, we spoke with Karen Rainey and Michelle Crockett in previous GovFem articles (see this article and this article) about how and why they got involved in Federally Employed Women (FEW), an advocacy and training non-profit organization for women in federal government. They both explained the power of in-person training and theRead… Read more »
Each day, most of us will turn on our stove at some point or another to cook food. What we normally wouldn’t think about is how advanced this appliance is compared to others around the world. Whether our stoves are gas or electric, most cooking appliances in the western world are far more efficient andRead… Read more »
A lot of advice you’ll hear about how to handle your last two weeks at a job focuses on surviving. As if giving your two weeks notice is the equivalent of a zombie apocalypse or a vacation with your in-laws. Rather than survive, wouldn’t it be better to thrive? Giving your two weeks notice isn’t an excuse to dial it in.Read… Read more »