
Have You Found Your Talent?

Have you ever met someone that just seems to know EXACTLY what their purpose is in life? You know, the ones that do that one thing that just seems to come natural? What is a talent?  A talent is a special natural ability given to us all.  If you follow the desire, it eventually startsRead… Read more »

Transforming Gov with Transparency

Meet Laila Alequresh, one of our esteemed NextGen Public Service Award finalists. As Director of Performance Management for the City of Philadelphia, Alequresh has improved the lives of Philadelphia’s 1.5 million residents by opening up several channels of communication to make the city government more efficient and responsive to citizens’ needs.

Back to the Future of Learning: Five Trends in 2015

This year, 2015, is the year where Marty McFly traveled into the future and found flying cars, hovering skate boards and self-tying shoes. Now here we are in that brave new world, with all three of those futuristic products well beyond the prototype phase (see here, here and here.) But what if Marty had taken his time-traveling DeLorean and explored what learningRead… Read more »

Making Dreams a Reality

Meet Mihir Pathak, one of our NextGen Courageous Champion Service Award finalists. As a Presidential Management Fellow, Pathak has taken on important roles at both the White House and NASA. Drawing on his background and education for inspiration, Pathak has worked to increase the diversity of the federal workforce and fund space programs.

Public Service in the 21st Century

With technology advancing as quickly as it is these days, it can sometimes be hard to keep up. New phones, apps, software, and social media seem to pop up every day. Even though this constant stream of innovation is intended to make all of our lives easier, new technology can also present unprecedented challenges toRead… Read more »

How to Rock Your First Week at a New Job

Starting a new job can get your nerves twanging. Your business casual wardrobe feels either too casual or too business. You’ve lost your old lunch crew and you’re dreading eating alone at your desk. You have a chance to start fresh at a new job, but you worry that your bad habits will prove impossible to break. EvenRead… Read more »

3 Steps to Be a Good Government Leader

Are you happy with your boss? Do you feel appreciated for your contributions? How satisfied are you with your work environment? Your answer to those questions will probably vary somewhat based on your position in the workforce. However, if you’re in the public sector, your responses may be drastically different from your boss’s. Each year,Read… Read more »

16 Tips for Navigating Office Politics

Office politics is an inevitable part of work life. And unfortunately, avoiding it altogether, or pretending to be above it, is nearly impossible and likely won’t help you move through the ranks. But this doesn’t necessarily have to be negative, as long as you know how to navigate the system. Ultimately, office politics is allRead… Read more »