
Building Your Next Generation Network

The much-lauded federal retirement tsunami is upon us. More than a third of career federal employees will to be eligible to collect their end-of-career benefits by September 2017, compared to just 14 percent at the same time in 2012. The impending knowledge gap is going to be tremendous — thousands of career feds leaving the government andRead… Read more »

Collaboration, Not Enforcement in New Zealand

Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed increasing references to government agencies as enablers rather than enforcers or regulators. I think that this is a side effect of 2 ideas that are gaining acceptance: the shift in the public sector to focus on trust rather than compliance seeing the public sector as an inter-connected systemRead… Read more »

7 Questions to Help You Run an Efficient Meeting

A good meeting is a magical thing. Ideas flow, decisions are made, and everyone leaves invigorated and ready to take on the world. The problem is that good meetings – like most magical things – are rare beasts indeed. What should be a fantastic team tool often turns into a slogging, frustrating experience where nothing gets accomplishedRead… Read more »