
Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Local Government

There’s been a lot of attention paid lately to the 13 percent statistic: the portion of chief administrative officers in local governments that are women stands at 13 percent, roughly the same figure it was in the 1980s. It’s an important issue, and a complicated one, and I asked my colleague Jan Perkins for someRead… Read more »

Saving Lives, One Phone at a Time

Lightning strikes the ground, thunder rumbles across the sky, sometimes hail plummets onto your roof, but you don’t think much of it. Thunderstorms are a hallmark of summertime. You’ve seen storms like this before. And then your phone buzzes. There’s a message telling you to take immediate cover; a tornado has been detected in yourRead… Read more »

Coping with Conflict at Work

Ever felt like your boss’s expectations were unrealistic? Or your employee wasn’t doing what you asked? Didn’t like a colleague’s approach? If you’ve worked long enough, you’ve probably encountered conflicts like these on the job. Even the slightest conflicts can hurt productivity at work in ways small and large. As the Vice President for LeadershipRead… Read more »