
Screen the Chemicals, Save the People

Lab rats rejoice! There’s a new way to test common household chemicals. The EPA’s Office of Research and Development has started a new program that can screen thousands of industrial and household chemicals for hazardous effects without using animals. Chemicals, depending on their classification, have different degrees of research data gathered on them. For manyRead… Read more »

Summer Reading List for Success in the Public Sector

This summer, rather than dragging out the insipid beach-friendly reads with sand in their spines, why not bone up on practical skills and knowledge that can help you in your work? Many of these books are so brand-spankin’ new that I haven’t had a chance to read them yet. If this list isn’t enough, check last year’sRead… Read more »

Let’s Talk (Honestly) about Networking

Women especially are told to network — to find a support system that can bolster their professional goals and help them overcome barriers. But what’s really the point? And if it is so worthwhile, how do you do it? Those (and others) are the questions I recently asked Asha Aravindakshan. Aravindakshan has traversed sectors, startingRead… Read more »

Saving Soldiers: Health in the Military

It seems like we’re always hearing stories in the news about how we should exercise more, go to the gym and maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. But with long, stressful hours spent working throughout the day, the gym is not always the most appealing option for post-work activities. We know that obesity is a growingRead… Read more »

The Power of Progress: The Key to Employee Engagement

What is one thing managers can do to increase creativity, productivity, and commitment by their employees? A recent study by two psychologists, Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, concludes: “If you focus on supporting the daily progress of people working in your organization, you will not only foster the success of the organization but also enrichRead… Read more »