
10 Ways You Can Manage Across Generations

There are four different generations working in government today—Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennials. When approaching working outside of our own generation, we often have a tendency to rely on stereotypes (i.e. Traditionalists will never accept change and Millennials are unreliable job hoppers) and that can ruin great partnerships before they ever get started.Read… Read more »

How to Leave Behind a Legacy

It’s amazing how many professional insights we can gain just from a presidential transition. Last week, we discussed measuring the drapes before getting to the office and the importance of planning management and administration tactics ahead of time. This time, let’s put ourselves in the shoes of the people lined up to take our placeRead… Read more »

“Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit”

This nontechnical riddle took me a while to figure out. This saying floats around in the halls and offices of every building. For me, it resounds on all occasions when I have met with management. Agencies’ management is whipsawed between necessary compromise to face budget cuts and changing priorities at the same time. Compromise, inRead… Read more »

7 Songs That Get Me Through Big Projects

“Picture it: Sicily…” (If you get that reference, we’ll be best friends.) But seriously. Picture it: You’re crashing on a big project. The deadline is coming up. You’re running a little behind. (This may be off, because you’ve probably got excellent time management skills and don’t know the meaning of the word “procrastination.”) You needRead… Read more »

5 Proven Techniques in the Fine Art of Managing Up

This post is a follow-up to an unanswered question from GovLoop’s recent training, Critical Conversations. Want more topics and information like this? Make sure to register for the upcoming training summit in July, the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. There’s a skill I possess that you won’t find on my LinkedIn profile (go ahead andRead… Read more »