
How To Make Your Desk a Healthier – And Happier – Place To Work

If you’re like most office worker-bees, you’re probably spending more time sitting at your desk than you spend in any other place, besides your bed. Do you like it? Clutter, poor ergonomics, and stifling work environments can all contribute to a workspace that can actually damage your health and well-being. While grand, sweeping changes mayRead… Read more »

Networking: The Flour That Raises The Cake of Your Career

Here at GovLoop we have a sweet spot for networking, so much that we dedicated an entire online training to it, titled, “Become a Networking Ninja: Tips to Better Networking”. As Catherine Andrews, GovLoop’s Director of Content puts it, “Networking is like the flour that raises the cake of your career; it makes the foundationRead… Read more »

Empower Women through Compliance Training

The government provides numerous safeguards against gender discrimination in federal employment. However, those securities are often neglected or discarded by uninformed employees who don’t know their rights or how to access them within the government bureaucracy. Nicole Mason, Esq. hopes to change that by educating federally employed women about their rights. Mason serves as ViceRead… Read more »

11 Ways to Network toward Rapport

Rapport makes small talk HUGE! Taking the time and getting to know people speeds learning names and fosters active engagement, increasing productivity. Rapport is the glue that binds personal and professional relationships. It reinforces the concept that people prefer to do business with those they consider friends. Successful networking can be accomplished simply by exercising… Read more »

Screen the Chemicals, Save the People

Lab rats rejoice! There’s a new way to test common household chemicals. The EPA’s Office of Research and Development has started a new program that can screen thousands of industrial and household chemicals for hazardous effects without using animals. Chemicals, depending on their classification, have different degrees of research data gathered on them. For manyRead… Read more »