A Top 10 Advice List for Graduates
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
Top 10 pieces of advice for high school/college graduates.
By the time you read this blog post if you are a federal government employee, you have probably already received an email from your agency asking you to participate in the annual job satisfaction and commitment survey to nowhere known as the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). Don’t participate this year. Why? This survey doesRead… Read more »
There are infinite benefits to a successful mentorship. But how do the mentor and mentee achieve those results? We heard that and many other questions at the kickoff to GovLoop’s own mentorship program. Thankfully, we had six successful, former mentors and mentees on hand to explain how to make the most of a mentorship. We’veRead… Read more »
You need to rethink your PowerPoint presentations. We’ve all had the experience of being lured into a drowsy stupor by a lackluster presentation, but it doesn’t have to be that way. A great PowerPoint can harness the power of visual aids, becoming a phenomenal recall aid to expand the impact of your presentation. Ready toRead… Read more »
Nobody likes to fail, but it’s only by dizzying leaps of faith that test your skills (and your character) that we can grow as humans. And sometimes? Sometimes we miss the mark. Some risks backfire embarrassingly, while others backfire so spectacularly you might be fooled into thinking you’ll never recover. (But you will!) If you’veRead… Read more »
Getting too much email is a fact of life for most of us, and dealing with it all is time consuming. Last week, I wrote about time management techniques, and how you handle your email is hugely important in this endeavor. Below, I’ve outlined some of the most common techniques for email management. Different techniquesRead… Read more »
Just like a good fairy tale, a mentoring relationship should have a happy ending. Each mentoring relationship is different and has its own dynamics. Nevertheless, there are certain things you should think about when you are starting a relationship with a mentor. Just like any other relationship, these partnerships require love and caring to growRead… Read more »
I would like you to suspend reality for a moment and go back in time with me. Our portal to the past transports us back to kindergarten – where the crayons were plentiful and nap time was a required activity. On the wall of the classroom, nestled between finger-painted masterpieces, lies the chart. You know the chartRead… Read more »
Whether this is your first time hearing these tips or this is a refresher for you, conflict management is one of the trickiest areas for people to navigate successfully. Yet, conflict is inevitable and can take a toll on your effectiveness and productivity (not to mention your stress level) if not resolved. I recently attendedRead… Read more »
Career development is an ongoing effort that successful people know how to navigate. Successful career developers have many common traits.