
What You Need to Know About Using StrengthsFinder For Employee Engagement

More and more, managers are being encouraged to use positive reinforcement in their employee reviews, rather than focusing on weaknesses. The argument is that by doing this, employees are more productive and engaged in their work. Opponents of such a management technique say that discussing negatives, or ranking employees against each other, can actually encourageRead… Read more »

Four Leadership Opportunities You May Be Overlooking

When I was early in my career I discovered the catch-22 of gaining leadership experience: to be selected for a leadership position I needed to show I already had some previous leadership experience. So I had to get creative to break the cycle and get my feet wet. If you find yourself facing the same situation,Read… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Starting an Outstanding Intern Program

There are a ton of freely available articles, blogs, how to’s, and other publications about the benefits of good internship programs so why haven’t you started one yet? A need has been identified. In another blog post on Donna Dyer describes that 20% of interns graduating in 2014 wanted to intern in government. ThisRead… Read more »

Public Servants, Are You Ready to Feel the Love?

One week a year, extra effort goes into making sure that more Americans learn about the awesome people who work in public service. This celebration happens during Public Service Recognition Week from May 3–9, 2015 and honors federal, state, county and local government employees. Across the nation there will be acts of appreciation, special events, media attention, and a social media storm. While publicRead… Read more »

Networking in a New Way for a New Career

India, with population of approximately 1.3 billion (as per 2012 estimates), is a huge market in terms of searching a new career for yourself. When you will look around you will realize that hundreds of people have applied for the same job listed on an online job portal or local newspaper. All applicants are yourRead… Read more »