
12 Tips on Navigating the Federal Job Application Process

Applying to a federal job is far different than applying to your run-of-the-mill private sector position. You will be asked for far greater detail on your skills, abilities, and experience. You’ll likely endure a lengthy wait time after applying to hear if you’re being considered. And when you get started on your search, it mightRead… Read more »

Agency Heads Need Mentors, Too

Top executives require advice about their leadership styles and operating environs – in government as well as in the private sector. How do they get it? Suzanne de Janasz and Maury Peiperl interviewed dozens of corporate executives over the past two years to understand how “new CEOs in large organizations gain access to seasoned counselRead… Read more »

Be a Building

A few days ago I had the honor to witness the unfolding of a history-making event in Arlington (TX), and that event got me thinking. On Monday 30th, 2015 the Arlington Independent School District (AISD hereafter) board met at the Fielder’s Baptist Church to name four schools after six honorable people, among them former State RepresentativeRead… Read more »

Pursue Your Passion & Secure Your Invitation

Invited to an up-coming hiring event? Have the qualifications, the degree, the willingness to succeed, and even the security clearance, but lack the know-how’s of impressing a hiring manager? Regardless of where you are in your career, we can all get better when it comes to making a great first impression and securing the jobRead… Read more »

Wanted: Pure, Rational and Patient Public Servants

In early February, I shared my alarm over the public’s apparent lack of trust in their public servants. As reported in a U.S. Conference of Mayors/Zogby Analytics national survey, people trusted small business owners and young persons fresh out of grad school, in that order, to guide them through the challenges of the 21st Century.Read… Read more »