
Think On Your Feet: Rising to the Occasion of Standing Meetings

Ever feel like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland frantically rushing around the office exclaiming, “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date/meeting?” Well, what if I told you there’s a way to help alleviate some of that hysteria and cut down meeting times with a little something called “Standing Meetings?” Riding onRead… Read more »

Building and Sustaining Teams

This week, I attended a 3-day federal supervisory/managerial training class on building and sustaining teams. Day 1 began with the facilitator explaining that we were to define our roles in teams behaviorally, by observable or measurable movement or activity.  In other words, we were to state the behaviors that we see exhibited in ourselves andRead… Read more »

The Best Government Conferences of 2015

There are so many worthwhile education, learning, and networking events for government employees in 2015. How do you choose? This list of the best government conferences will help you pick the ones that provide the richest professional development opportunities. Since GovLoop’s last roundup of government conferences in 2013, there’s been quite a bit of turnover in events and conferences in theRead… Read more »

I’ve Been Teleworking Since 2001. Here’s How I Make it Work

At my job in the 1900s (you guess the decade), my supervisor told us that she wouldn’t approve our working from home anymore. That was too bad, because I always accomplished much more from my den than I did in the office. I didn’t have the distractions, and amazingly, I had the discipline to toRead… Read more »

Project Management Tips To Live By

Are you a project manager? Maybe project management (PM) is disguised in your job description, if it’s not in the actual title. As a leader in government, you likely encounter project management tasks every day. And knowing how to handle those tasks in a timely manner, with a clear scope and with all team members on board isRead… Read more »