
How To Win At Job Interviews: A Cheat Sheet

Note: I did not write this, only edited a shared email down for brevity and flow. The credit goes to Nikki J. Thomas, my daughter’s mentor. What they want: capable, hardworking, team player Do this: Prepare answers to questions like: Why choose you, tell us about you, what are your strengths/weaknesses, why you want the job, whatRead… Read more »

Esri GIS conference will spark innovation through “Immersion Summits”

Esri’s annual Federal GIS Conference (February 9-10, 2015) gives government employees the chance to take advantage of GIS as an analysis, decision-making tool. At the conference, five “Immersion Summits” will be held that dive deeper into five different categories that GIS is useful in: Economic and Community Services: Focuses on improving American lives and jobRead… Read more »

Know Your Limitations and Live Within Them

I introduced this topic at the end of 2014 with the intent of having several additional postings to further develop it. While I had preconceived notions of how I would do that, comments, discussion, and recent events have helped me take future installments even further than I anticipated. I watch a lot of sports andRead… Read more »

9 Tips To Ace That Virtual Interview

More hiring departments are turning to video interviews as a way to manage their time and get a better sense for a candidate than a simple phone interview can provide. Applications like FaceTime, Skype, and Google+ Hangouts make video interviews free and easy, and the ability to interview from the comfort of your home makesRead… Read more »


A web-based portfolio is your creative suitcase and a critical part of your web presence. Pack it carefully and your portfolio becomes the visual component of whatever story you want to tell. The creativity that you unleash by packaging your portfolio will spark further innovation. Protect that spark. It may well be what your currentRead… Read more »

GIS mapping technology will help you navigate your career!

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool used across almost every field bringing data analysis, efficiency, and cost-saving mechanisms to the government. Unfortunately, most federal employees do not understand GIS technology. Each government employee has the potential to heighten the quality of their work by taking full advantage of resources such as GIS. NASA, EnvironmentalRead… Read more »

Gov Should Hire & Promote More “Moses Managers”

All employees want great managers, yet not everyone is fortunate enough to enjoy that luxury. But what really makes an awesome manager? Some people say that an inclusive and positive can-do management style is best to promote leadership and productivity. Others argue it’s more effective for a manager to use fear tactics to get resultsRead… Read more »