
In Praise Of Office Friendships

This infographic from OfficeVibe highlights statistics from several reports on friendship and employee engagement to come up with an unsurprising conclusion: we’re happier at work if we have friends there. Workdays seem shorter when we can take a break to laugh with a friend at the water cooler. The organization as a whole seems moreRead… Read more »

Promoting Women in Executive Roles – And Why Men Should Care

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has released a survey with some hard-to-believe results. Today, only 13% of chief executive positions in local government are held by women – a number that has remained exactly the same since 1981. A lot of other things have changed since the same year IBM introduced the first personalRead… Read more »

Your 3 Step Process for Tackling Complex Projects

Ever been tasked with a new project that you find challenging? Maybe your supervisor recently stopped by and asked you to craft a new communications plan, research information governance policy, or write a memo on some pending legislation. When these situations occur, no matter your job title, you become a researcher. And to get smartRead… Read more »