16 Books GovLoop Wants to Read
New year, new you, new list of dozens of books that you are dying to read. Here at the GovLoop offices, we’re no different.
New year, new you, new list of dozens of books that you are dying to read. Here at the GovLoop offices, we’re no different.
I can’t help but wonder, “How did I get here?”
Every job is as unique as the next and there are many things to take into consideration when you start a new position. Whether you’re moving up in the ranks or coming in cold there are things you are going to need to know before you can really feel like you’ve hit your stride. It’sRead… Read more »
I just left a meeting and the entire time I wished a meteor would strike the room we were in. How often has that feeling or something similar occurred to you? It seems to be fairly common in my 30 years as a government employee to have felt that way. I think there are meetingsRead… Read more »
If you’re not seeing a return on investment, check your investment strategy. Most people want to increase their net worth but forget they have to invest.
Once you have completed the interview, please do not leave the room without turning the tables on the interviewers!
Applying for a job online makes the process seem easier, but it also creates plenty of chances for missteps that take you out of the running, even though you might be a great pick for the position. My colleague, Human Resources Manager Jenifer Phillips, has some insights into what she’s looking for in those online applications,Read… Read more »
This week, I was fortunate enough to attend the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Mentor Program event where Steve Ressler, GovLoop’s CEO and Founder, was invited as a guest speaker. The event was designed to congratulate the 650 + participants of the program, reinforce the importance of what everyone was doing, and share some inspirational storiesRead… Read more »
Ever been in a new place of employment? Struggled to grasp the logic in new processes or in understanding why folks do things the way they do? You are not alone, I assure you…What has worked for me over the years to varying degrees is shifting the dialogue away from “new guy” and onto “new… Read more »
“It was an honor just to be nominated,” is the phrase you hear from pretty much every loser of an award ever. But here’s the thing. While the phrase might seem trite, the sentiment is almost universally true. The reason the sentiment rings true is because by being nominated means someone, somewhere thought you didRead… Read more »