
10 Tips for Leadership

Have no illusions: being a good leader takes work. Even if you are a “born leader” you must continually work and learn to remain at the top of your game. The below tips are not intended to be a cure-all for poor leadership or an unwillingness to learn, but a starting point for aspiring goodRead… Read more »

Succeeding as a Young Woman on the Hill

Through GovFem, we want to highlight the challenges women face in government. We also want to highlight the women who are tackling those issues everyday. To start us off, I sat down with Ellen Schrantz who works as counsel in the House of Representatives. Ellen is kicking off our spotlight series for two reasons. FirstRead… Read more »

The Ugly Truth About Promotions

There are two schools of thought when it comes to promotions: Promotions are based on a checklist: if you match up against these criteria (ABC) and do these things (1234) when you have them all checked off, THEN you’ll be promoted. You don’t need to worry about the promotion, the checklist, or the politics –Read… Read more »

Is 2015 When You Should Quit Your Job?

“You’re still at the same company, right?” your cousin asks as the holiday meal is being cleared away. “How are you liking it?” Quick, what’s your answer? As we stand at the cusp of a new year, it’s only natural to look forward to what next year will bring – especially with questions like these comingRead… Read more »

How Full is Your Bucket?

After attending GovLoop’s NextGen training summit this past July, our group was so inspired that we started to pursue our own NextGen employee resource group. As of last week, we are now officially recognized by our Agency as NextGen@DCMA. One of our NextGen@DCMA goals is to bolster the culture of our Agency where people feelRead… Read more »

Impostor – What If You Feel Like It’s You?

Imagine knowing that you are not the person that others seem to think you are. A true impostor. Like Ravi Desai, who persuaded via e-mail that he was actually “Robert Klingler”, “North American head of BMW”. Slate published two articles by “Klingler” before alert readers pointed out that they could find no references toRead… Read more »