Boost Your Job Application’s Wow Power
Post helps job-seekers craft winning resumes and cover letters by advising them how to quantify their achievements.
Post helps job-seekers craft winning resumes and cover letters by advising them how to quantify their achievements.
“People are as individual as snowflakes, they kinda look alike but no two are the exactly the same, and all classification is the root of prejudice.” ― Craig Ferguson, host, “The Late Late Show“ I’ve been a creative as long as I can remember. Writing, photography, slideshows, web, social media, fashion design, PR, writing for magazines,Read… Read more »
This article attempts to help intermediate and advanced LinkedIn users understand how their LinkedIn activity is broadcast and shared with other users, and provides recommendations for the best approaches to managing that activity within LinkedIn’s constraints. It provides a comparable assessment and recommendations for filtering and managing other people’s LinkedIn activity as well. Want moreRead… Read more »
After 21 years at EPA, I’m heading to new issues and challenges at US Citizenship and Immigration Services. I’ll be the chief of the E-Communications Division, working on web and social media. My last day will be November 26, the day before Thanksgiving. I’ve had some amazing experiences here, and a good chunk of myRead… Read more »
I am a runner. Every morning at 6 a.m. my alarm goes off and I am out the door, iPod in hand to hit the running path. As my eyes adjust to the early morning light, my iPod creates the soundtrack of my morning. And if we’re being totally honest, right now my morning runningRead… Read more »
Did you know that 85 percent of the Federal workforce is based outside of the D.C. region? OPM Director Katherine Archuleta does. In her first year as Director, she’s traveled the country, meeting with federal employees all across the country. And this Friday, she’s going to celebrate her one-year anniversary as Director of the U.S. Office of PersonnelRead… Read more »
The other day, as I sat among an honored crowd of Veterans, I wept quietly for a number of reasons. You see, my youngest children both are in schools where Veterans are honored in beautifully displayed ceremonies full of patriotic pomp and circumstance. I sat there as the only woman Veteran. I sat there asRead… Read more »
This last weekend, I took a fiction-writing class with a local author, Ken Scholes. As we went around the room to introduce ourselves, a common theme emerged. Most of us thought we should be writing more words, we should be submitting more short fiction, we should be taking more classes, we should be reading moreRead… Read more »
“Ask again later.” Not my favorite answer from a Magic 8 Ball. And possibly worse than any of the more neutral responses because it’s almost blatantly rejecting my question. But, when I do get a “Yes – definitely,” I am ecstatic with the fortune-telling toy. Who doesn’t enjoy getting a straightforward answer, like advice fromRead… Read more »
What tactics can you use to get ahead?