
Eightfold Path to Public Service Enlightenment: Wisdom

The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the principal teachings of Buddha and serves as a path to obtain or reach enlightenment. Buddha defined enlightenment as the cessation of suffering and the achievement of self-awakening. From my experience, public service can cause a lot of suffering at times and Buddha’s teachings provide a great toolsetRead… Read more »

9 Ways You’re Not Reaching Your Federal Income Potential

Every month I eagerly await my subscription to Success Magazine. I love this magazine not only because I get in the mail (I love the Postal Service and not just because I work there), but also because every month it comes with a CD filled with interviews filled with success tips. Success Publisher Darren HardyRead… Read more »

Innovator: A Definition

Innovation in government only sounds like an oxymoron to people who haven’t kept up with the work of government employees at all levels. The distinct challenge of nurturing innovative ideas in the public sector made my job description so interesting when I applied. Last month, I celebrated two years as a government contractor and communication lead —Read… Read more »

How to Promote Yourself Without Bragging

We all know how powerful networking can be when we’re on the hunt for a job – but what we don’t often talk about is how important it is to network within your organization while you’re happily employed. If you’re looking for a promotion, a pay raise, or to avoid being downsized, you can’t justRead… Read more »

6 Important Reminders for Managers from Google Leadership

Here at GovLoop and GovDelivery, supervisors occasionally trade tips, management ideas, and best practices over email. We love learning from one another, and are constantly looking for ways to improve the way our companies work. So when Scott Burns, GovDelivery’s CEO, sent across an email with Book Recommendation: How Google Works, as the subject line, myRead… Read more »

Just Who IS Your Tribe?

There are some colleagues you just love to spend time with – and others that can take you from “okay” to “I’m-going-to-stab-MYSELF-with-a-pencil-to-make-you-go-away” after five minutes! What’s the difference? The first person is your tribe – the type of person you enjoy spending time with, who feeds who you are as a person, who has valuesRead… Read more »