
Stop Managing by Hours

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Technology is an enabler. It gives us the ability to harvest big data, mobilize in ways unknown to previous generations, and shows us the means to improve every aspect of society. But that’s all. It just gives us the means, not the action. Find out how to take the next step.Read… Read more »

Avoid These 5 Common Pitfalls to Advance Your Career

You’re hard-working, dedicated, and good at your job – but for some reason coworkers who’ve been with the organization for less time are getting promoted before you, and opportunities you thought were in the bag never materialize. Sound familiar? If you’re starting to feel like you’re spinning your wheels, it’s time to take a goodRead… Read more »

Speed Networking: How Virtual Networking Hours Are Bringing People Together

For me, business networking used to mean early morning meetings, a Metro ride into Washington DC, several cups of coffee, lots of face-to-face introductions and a steady exchange of business cards. All told, each networking event required a three- to four-hour investment of time…until I discovered the George Washington University (GWU) LinkedIn Virtual Networking Hour,Read… Read more »

New VA Chief Wants to Fire More Employees

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Center of Excellence on the Medical Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury is lucky to have Center Director Dr. William A. Bauman and Associate Director Dr. Ann M. Spungen on their team. For their work, Dr. Bauman and Dr. Sungen have been named finalists for theRead… Read more »

Phased Retirement’s Debut The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued the final regulations on Phased Retirement on August 7, 2014. Phased Retirement will allow full-time employees the opportunity to work part-time while drawing retirement benefits. Phased-retirement debuted as a mentoring tool to preserve the government’s institutional knowledge. As I stated previously, it is a start to something becauseRead… Read more »

Phased Retirement Annuity

Phased Retirement Annuity One of the incentives offered to gain employee participation in the Phased Retirement program is the more generous annuity at full retirement. Federal annuities are calculated based on years of creditable service and the high-three average salary. Therefore, the longer you work the better things might look in the end for you.Read… Read more »

Duo of Doctors Heal Veterans

Duos Come in all forms and across all trades. Batman and Robin. Simon and Garfunkle. Ben and Jerry. Mork and Mindy. Lewis and Clark. Bert and Ernie. Bauman and Spungen. Haven’t heard of the last duo? Well under their leadership the two doctors have collaborated to study medical consequences of spin cord injuries for overRead… Read more »

What Are Your Weaknesses?

Whether you’re interviewing for an internship or for a job in the Senior Executive Service, your interviewer may ask you that old “What are your weaknesses?” question. But even interviewers who still ask that widely reviled question recognize its limitations. “No one realistically expects to receive brutally honest answers like, ‘I’m below-average intelligence and difficultRead… Read more »

Building Trust With Your Team

You’ve probably heard that old saying, “people quit their bosses, not their jobs.” You may even have quit a job or two yourself because of a bad boss, so you know that one of the most important parts of being a good leader is to build trust with your team. They need to trust thatRead… Read more »

Government-ize Your Resume

If you’re considering applying for your first federal job (or if you’re hunting for a new one), don’t plan on using a traditional resume. There are a number of specific things the feds are looking for that don’t usually apply to the private sector. What follows are some tips on how to rework your resumeRead… Read more »