
7 Steps to Creating Your Personal Brand

I’ve been participating in a young professional women’s group. Recently we discussed and worked through Lois Frankel’s Nice Girls ^Still Don’t Get The Corner Office. Frankel’s book offers an assessment to help identify areas the reader self-identifies as performing well and areas the reader self-identifies as needing improvement. One common area improvement amongst the groupRead… Read more »

4 Easy Ways Leaders Can Improve Morale

It’s well known that federal employee spirits are low, but how low? Record low? Seems like that could be the case.The Office of Personnel Management recently surveyed the 2.1 million workers across the government about their satisfaction at work and the results were troubling. The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government Report foundRead… Read more »

The Wager

“Let us now speak according to our natural lights.” – Blaise Pascal’ Who doesn’t, at some point, experience doubt: doubt in ourselves, in our abilities and our choices? Doubt, like stones thrown into a pond, casts ripples in our lives with even the smallest stones of doubt having far-reaching impact. This blog post isn’t aRead… Read more »

Internship Recruiting Advice — From the Interns Themselves

Governing Magazine featured a short article today citing a new survey by, an online internship matching service. The article has a slightly gloomy tone, lamenting that only 14% of college students surveyed want to intern in government, compared to 66% who want to work in for-profit businesses and 20% in non-profit organizations. I thinkRead… Read more »

Announcing GovLoop’s 2014 Mentor Program Matches

I am pleased to announce the final mentor pairings in GovLoop’s 2014 Mentor Program. What began with 500 applications for this year’s cohort was narrowed to 70 Finalists through a competitive selections process. The pairings shown below represent just over 40 pairings that are the result of proactive mentees reaching out and establishing a matchRead… Read more »

Three R’s of Acquisition Reform

Acquisition Reform – Industry experts have compared it to Groundhog Day and a complicated system of pendulums shifting between priorities. The descriptions may differ but one thing most agree on is that with federal acquisition becoming ever more complex, fixing it isn’t getting any easier. In fact, Frank Kendall, the Under Secretary of Defense forRead… Read more »

Winning Over The Team You Didn’t Choose

The 2013 4-12 Philadelphia Eagles were a football team in turmoil, and that’s putting it lightly. After their dismal season they changed the guard and hired college football offense virtuoso Chip Kelly from Oregon. Like all new hires he inherited a team he neither recruited, nor built. But he worked with the assets before him.Read… Read more »

Throwback Thursday: 6 Body Language Tips for Interviewing

After sending resume after resume hopelessly into the digital ether, you finally land an interview. Success! All that’s left for you to do is to put on a blazer, nail the interview, and pop the celebration champagne. Easy, right? Unfortunately, snagging the interview is the easy part. Attending the interview and making a good firstRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER Live: Wearable Technology — Let Fashion Rule

A special edition of GovLoop’s DorobekINSIDER was held Wednesday. We’re LIVE! We host these events once each month this year. The idea is simple: get smart people together and share ideas — because we believe that the real power of information comes when it is shared. Listen to the Archive David Fletcher, Utah’s CTO, helpedRead… Read more »