
Be Young and Public: Public Sector Opportunities for Recent Graduates

The Obama Administration has done wonders in terms of young, fresh talent entering the public sector. The Pathways Program Initiative was initiated in 2012 to improve the federal sector by hiring more recent graduates, streamlining the federal hiring process and hiring veterans. Essentially, the program has three main facets: hiring process, internship program and theRead… Read more »

Career Conversations for Improved Employee Engagement

“Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go” I attended a webinar a few weeks ago that was based on the book, “Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go,” by Beverly Kaye and Julie Winkle Giulioni. The webinar and book talk about the critical role that supervisors play in employee engagement and development. The webinar madeRead… Read more »

Saying Sayonara: 5 Ways to Leave Your Job With Grace

Maybe Steve Ressler’s discussion about how long you should stay in one position got you thinking. (Catherine Andrews sums the main points up nicely here.) Maybe you’ve been daydreaming about moving on for the past year – or maybe you already have another offer on the table. However you’ve gotten to this point, you knowRead… Read more »

To Infinity and Beyond – Or At Least to Savings

Space: the final frontier. When you look into the night sky, up at the stars, you can’t help but dream of exploration. A trip to the moon. A map of the constellations. A ride on a solar flare. But in 2011, NASA changed the space game: they terminated the space shuttle program. But that didn’tRead… Read more »

The Process of Absolutely Everything: Powering the Internet of Things

Let’s go through your typical workday. You wake up early, probably to your alarm clock or coffee maker. Maybe you catch up on news by scanning sites and blogs online or on your smartphone during your commute. If you drive, you might use certain apps like Waze to navigate through traffic. When at work youRead… Read more »

Top 5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Time in Washington, D.C.

It’s summertime in D.C. and the energy is great. New internships or fellows have started at exciting internships in Washington, D.C., while many of you who have recently graduated are embarking on your first jobs. Here at GovLoop, we’ve been fortunate enough to have a rotating cast of excellent interns and fellows, so we knowRead… Read more »

Can You Really Disconnect? Tips for a Phone-Free Summer Vacation

Summer. The word conjures images of beaches, baseball and hot, humid nights. For many employees, summer is also the perfect time to take a vacation, especially if you have kids. But often times, those pesky connected devices keep adults from truly taking a break. Instead of cuddling up with a New York Times best sellerRead… Read more »