
A Debt Deal Done? Plus the Seven Gov Stories You Need To Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Innovation is one of those Rorschach terms, where innovation means different things to different people. Even amongst Chief Innovation Officers the role of innovation at an agency can vary greatly. So what really makes an innovative program? Pamela Wright is the first ever Chief Innovation Officer at NARA. We uncover herRead… Read more »

John Mahoney Comments: How will DC’s Bill to Decriminalize Pot Impact Employees & Employers?

How will DC’s Bill to decriminalize pot impact employees & employers in the District? Find out on Channel 8 in DC tonight at 8:30 or 11:30, or click on the following link –

Congress and the Federal Worker

Federal employees have many concerns on their plate in terms of Congress and the federal budget, including: What will happen with federal pay in 2015 following the 1% increases in 2014? Will Congress pass a debt limit increase? How will the president’s State of the Union promise to use more Executive Orders play out? KenRead… Read more »

All Eyes on the Debt Ceiling – Plus the Seven Gov Stories You Need to Know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Time is running short for Congress to raise the nation’s borrowing limit — the Treasury Department says it will run out of spending authority by Feb. 27. One of the ways the government can buy time during a default is to borrow from the G-Fund. But what does that mean forRead… Read more »

Is Your Retirement Safe During a Debt Ceiling Default?

Time is running short for Congress to raise the nation’s borrowing limit — the Treasury Department says it will run out of spending authority by Feb. 27. As the federal government keeps spending money it does not have without borrowing or printing more, the Department of the Treasury has announced that it will again beRead… Read more »

Government Turns To Entrepreneurs & StartUps For Products/Services

As the U.S. recovers steadily from the most recent recession, confidence in the nation’s economy is growing among small business owners who foresee steady growth in the next few years, as monitored by the database of government contracts. In 2012, 22.25% of federal government contracting dollars went to small business, just short of the annualRead… Read more »

Priorities List: Did Your Top Concerns Make It?

Ever heard the phrase, “What’s good for the gander, is good for the goose?” In government, the sentiment holds true. What is good for the federal government, is good for the state and local governments too. That is why the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released their annual list of federalRead… Read more »

All Politics Are Local, Does That Apply To Email Too? – Plus Your Weekend Reads!

The phrase, “All politics is local” is a common phrase in politics, coined by former Speaker of the U.S. House Tip O’Neill. The message is simple, a politician’s success is directly tied to his ability to understand and influence the issues of his constituents. The same is true for email. You have to target yourRead… Read more »

Design Dilemma, Why Mapping the Future Matters

Every summer, my family would load into our minivan and journey more than 21 hours to my grandparents house in Denver, Colorado. As you can imagine, 21 hours in car with four younger brothers is a nightmare. The only way I was able to distract myself, was to track our progress on the massive nation-wideRead… Read more »