
Don’t Let Detroit Happen To You

Fifty years ago, when someone spoke about the big three, they didn’t think of LeBron, Wade, and Bosh. They weren’t even born. But what did come to mind were GM, Ford and Chrysler. The big three cranked our nearly all the cars sold in America at that time. The 33rd President of the United States,Read… Read more »

Back to the Office: The Value of Place and the Office Family

It’s time for those of us who promote a mobile work concept that seeks to get people out of the office to celebrate what happens when they are in the office. We have seen the articles quoting Federal workers on how happy they are to be back at work after the shutdown. And many ofRead… Read more »

Be Better Than Your Best

Quote: “Always do your very best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino Some skills are absolutely essential to your fulfilling your peak potential. If you do not continue to develop those skills then you risk jeopardizing your career and financial goals. Knowledge is doubling faster than in years past, soRead… Read more »

Discover North Carolina’s New Tech Hub, iCenter – Plus your weekend reads!

Every day it seems like tech companies unveiling new and revolutionary technologies and agencies can’t get their hands on the technologies fast enough. But there is a problem. Agencies are siloed. That means that the government often end up buying the same technology twice. North Carolina is trying to curb the problem by creating theRead… Read more »

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill.

“Gentlemen, we are out of money; Now we have to think” – Winston Churchill. TechAmerica’s annual forecast made one thing clear, budgets are tight and they are only going to get tighter. The only way to be successful is to think and do things differently in government. But that sentiment is so much easier saidRead… Read more »

An Eye on the Budget Talks – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: For the past few years federal budgeting has been all over the place. The roving numbers make it almost impossible to accurately forecast what the market will look like in the next year, let alone five years down the road. But the folks over at Tech America are experts in forecastingRead… Read more »

Is government headed towards a contracting slump?

For the past few years federal budgeting has been all over the place. The roving numbers make it almost impossible to accurately forecast what the market will look like in the next year, let alone five years down the road. But the folks over at Tech America are experts in forecasting and for the pastRead… Read more »

Be Sure to Take Good Care of Your Health

Quote: “Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey Always take time to care for you. Having goals and being focused on getting paid more is great, but if you have bad health, it won’t mean much. Besides in order to get ahead and stay there you need to have good mental, emotional andRead… Read more »