
What is your introduction story?

Last week, the Partnership for Public Service held an event on Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century. One of the most memorable moments of the discussion was meeting the Secretary of the Department of the Interior, Sally Jewell, who’s recently transitioned to her government role from the private sector. Before President Obama nominatedRead… Read more »

FEGLI Clarifications and Coverage Verification

I’ve received many emails over the years from annuitants, spouses of deceased annuitants, and estate executors that weren’t aware of the annuitant’s coverage and/or beneficiaries. A number of annuitants forget what coverage they elected (if any) or who they designated as beneficiary. There are a number of things that you, your spouse, and estate executorRead… Read more »

DOD Makes Tough Choices, Considers Eliminating Disaster Pay – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Earlier this week the President unveiled his new management agenda, part of the process involves a renewed emphasis on creating metrics to evaluate an agency’s programs and goals. That focus falls under the GPRA Modernization Act. We asked Deloitte’s Jitinder Kohli how it’s going. The SEVEN stories that impact your lifeRead… Read more »

GPRA Modernization – Just More Bureaucracy Or A New Way To Work?

Earlier this week the President unveiled his new management agenda, part of the process involves a renewed emphasis on creating metrics to evaluate an agency’s programs and goals. That focus falls under the GPRA Modernization Act. The new legislation provides the government with the foundation for strengthening agency efforts to use strategic planning and performanceRead… Read more »

FBI Focuses on Insider Threats – Plus the DorobekINISIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: RFP-EZ is trying to make the acquisition process a little easier for federal contracts under $150,000. Now the head of the project Clay Johnson has been awarded a grant from the Knight Foundation to expand RFP-EZ to the state and local levels. Find out how it’s going. Around the web CBSRead… Read more »

Building a Federal Workforce that Looks like America

It’s been two years since President Obama signed the Executive Order on Diversity and Inclusion in the federal workplace. As we all know, organizations and organizational culture take a great deal of time to change. This is especially the case for government agencies, which are often over a hundred years old. Today, I attended anRead… Read more »

How Local Government Decisions Are Really Made

People often seem surprised by the decisions local public officials make. It’s not uncommon to hear community residents say, “What the heck were they thinking about when they …???” Since I enjoyed the privilege of a lengthy career in local government, I was able to personally observe the process many local government bodies used toRead… Read more »