
GSA Acting Admin. Heads to the Hill – DorobekINSIDER’s 7 stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Let’s be honest, right now the federal government is being pummeled by scandals. So how does government improve its reputation and get back in the public’s good graces? We get insights from the Partnership for Public Service. The SEVEN stories that impact your life A Senate committee on Tuesday questioned DanielRead… Read more »

Can You Rise Above A Scandal? We’ve got 5 ways

Right now the federal government is being pummeled by scandals. The IRS is facing the double whammy with its conference spending and its handling of Tea Party tax audits. Meanwhile the NSA is facing a scandal of their own in its secret phone tapping. So how does government improve its reputation and get back inRead… Read more »

NSA Director says surveillance prevented 50 terror threats – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Default open data; that was one of the big takeaways from the Digital Government Strategy released last year. But the DGS was a bit murkey on how agencies should implement open data. The White House has formalized that dilemma with the Open Data Directive released in May. Click here for theRead… Read more »

Millennial feds — Let your voice be heard!

Hi GovLoop community — This is my first post on the site and I need your help! I’m a digital writer/editor with Federal News Radio. Many of you might know Mike Causey, Federal News Radio’s long-time columnist and trenchant observer of the federal workforce. He’s going on vacation next week, and he’s asked me toRead… Read more »

Why Conferences Matter for Govies

It seems you can’t turn around these days without hearing about another government conference scandal. But what gets lost in the horror stories of magicians and fancy hotel suits is the real reason why these conferences are essential for govies, learning. Sandra Magnus is the Executive Director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsRead… Read more »

Social Security Update, Medicare Concerns, and Retiree Jobs

Norma, a federal employee that elected to collect Social Security while still working, commented on my last article on this subject. She stated that while it is true you don’t decrease social security benefits if you are still working at age 66 or older you may be subject to taxes on some of the socialRead… Read more »

Tribute to U.S. Army on 238th Birthday; and Remembering Dad

Did you know that today marks the 238th birthday of the United States Army? Military service to America is one of the most honorable types of federal service – if not the most honorable. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to the brave and courageous Army servicemen and women nationwide and around theRead… Read more »