
Daring Greatly (1)

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errsRead… Read more »

The real problem of facelessness

Originally published at I wrote a few weeks ago about the facelessness of bureaucrats (See: How Can Bureaucrats Be Interesting When the World Demands that they be Boring), the ensuing conversation focused a lot on the question of whether or not bureaucrats can remain faceless given the pressures of the new media environment. WhatRead… Read more »

10 Great Commencement Quotes

Anyone go to a graduation this weekend? If you didn’t know, it’s graduation season. Where I live near a college campus, the students are packing up and moving on to summer jobs. My favorite part of graduation – commencement speeches. When else do we have a ton of successful people, share their tips on success.Read… Read more »

Stop Talkin’ Bout My Generation

Generation Y, Millennials, Generation C (for Connected), sometimes even (perhaps incorrectly), the iGeneration. These are the labels that haunt the members of my generation. The large groups of people spanning decades before me are called Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and a wealth of other names, each with their own negative and positive attributes. “Baby BoomersRead… Read more »

Invite Failure – What the Innovative Agencies Are Doing Right

In order for an agency to be innovative you have to empower your employees and leave room for failure. So which agencies are doing that effectively? Dan Helfrich is a Principal at Deloitte Consulting. The Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte’s new Best Places to Work in the Federal Government analysis found that the vastRead… Read more »

Job Search Lessons from May’s Military Holidays

May is the month we recognize and remember several aspects of our military: Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 10) is a recent recognition of their support.Armed Forces Day (May 18) recognizes those currently in service.Memorial Day (May 27) recognizes those who died in war. Memorial Day began as women, individually and in clubs, decorated theRead… Read more »

How the Navy Drives Innovation (and How You Can Do the Same in Your Agency)

This past Tuesday night during GovLoop’s Career Energizer Event, Steve Rowe, Innovation Campaign Division Chief for the Navy Center for Innovation within the Navy Warfare Development Command, gave a lightning talk on, well, innovation. Below is the slide deck from his lightning speech as well as a guide that he referenced, which the Navy isRead… Read more »