
CBO Projection A Bit of Good Budget News, Sort Of

Having barely avoided falling off the fiscal cliff on January 1, we soon found ourselves sliding down a slippery slope toward a dark and gloomy abyss. The sequester was postponed for only two months, the debt ceiling was raised, but only until May, and we continue to hurtle toward the March 27 expiration of theRead… Read more »

Creators vs. Conquerors

I think most people have had the feeling sitting across the table from someone that the only thing they are interested in is how much of a deal they are going to get, what’s in it for them, or some other obvious self-interest. I don’t have an issue with this to a degree. The factRead… Read more »

Super Bucket Scheduling: How to Manage 600 eMails and Attachments a Second

Please join us for this exciting event: Register here – What happens when you take “Big Bucket” scheduling for automated recordkeeping to the next level? How do you go about converting your current records schedules to “Super Buckets”? Why do it? Hear about an actual project using “Super Bucket” schedules in combination with auto-classificationRead… Read more »

Group Decision Tip: Us Over Me

In principle, the most likely path for a group to be highly productive, happy, and endure over generations is for individuals to put group needs over individual needs. In western culture we receive many messages that encourage us to put self first, the most likely path to short term gain. In a me-first culture individualsRead… Read more »

A Conscious Leader’s Approach to the Top 5 Questions from Government Supervisors…Part 1

Martha Austin is on a mission to restore passion and purpose to our federal government one individual at a time. She is a current federal employee with more than 23 years of service, a leadership instructor, a certified professional coach, and creator of the Conscious Leadership Blueprint ™. She is honored to serve government employees,Read… Read more »

Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

Tomorrow’s Webinar: Think big, start small, scale fast

Back in December, I interviewed General Dale Meyerrose about organizational transformation and leadership. I posted the three-part interview here, here, and here. When asked about his approach for managing change, General Meyerrose answered with “Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast.” Tomorrow, Dale is going to be giving a free webinar on the subject of ThinkRead… Read more »

6 Body Language Tips for Interviewing

As we mention frequently, people make snap decisions about you based on first impressions. It’s important that you present a positive total package to a potential employer. One aspect of that is body language. Many of the judgments that interviewers make about you are subconscious – they don’t even realize they are judging you whenRead… Read more »