
Answering Joshua Millsapps’ Question: Is remote work, too remote?

Joshua, in your recent blog you asked for response to the question, “Is remote work, too remote?” You accurately detailed many of challenges that are faced during the transition from a physical office to some form of remote work. After having spent more than a decade as a remote worker, my answer to your questionRead… Read more »

7 Ways To Improve Your Decision Making

Post Highlights Understanding how to make decisions is essential to team building Leadership is essential to decision making, and is articulated in many different ways 7 strategies to improve decision making for leaders Over the last few weeks I’ve been thinking about the big decisions I’ve made in my life. Some choices have changed theRead… Read more »

Online Social Learning Communities: Necessary but not Sufficient

As the Digital Era progresses, professionals at all levels and career stages need to develop and maintain a core set of digital competencies. These competencies can be developed informally, through online social learning communities, but they must also be developed through formal education and training programs. Academic and other organizational leaders must recognize that itRead… Read more »

Managing Your Supervisor

This article was written by Logan Harper, community manager for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s online MPA programs. For more information on public administration degrees follow MPA@UNC on Twitter at @MPAatUNC. — It wouldn’t be called work if it were easy. No matter the work environment, occasional conflict isRead… Read more »

I’m Fine, Thanks

Last night I watched the documentary I’m Fine, Thanks. Long story short: A filmmaker travels across the U.S. interviewing people about chasing their dreams, escaping mediocrity traps, and defying convention. Simultaneously, he’s having an internal debate about quitting his real estate career and pursuing filmmaking full-time. We’ve all heard it before, many times. Don’t followRead… Read more »

A space to think

I’m planning on looking at and reflecting on the principles I previously suggested here and writing a blog post for each one using my own personal circumstances and requirements to help me understand what applying the principles would mean in practice. My previous post “the ‘right’ environment” essentially looked at the principle “Enabling communities andRead… Read more »

To Sell is Human

Everybody’s selling something, be it a product, image, idea etc. [i] I’m reading Daniel H. Pink’s new book To Sell is Human and loving it. I tell my folks all the time that they are always selling to the client, to their co-workers, or to me. Whether it’s our services, an idea, or their performance,Read… Read more »