
Nothing succeeds like success

Winning breeds winning I admit it, I like to win. There is something about success that just makes me feel good. Maybe it’s just the endorphins talking, but sometimes that win or success seems to feed into the next. It turns out I’m not the only one. “The winner effect” describes a biochemical change thatRead… Read more »

Newest Federal Jobs: Data Scientists

Big data, data analytics, data, data, data. We’ve heard the buzz words all year. But now Rich Campbell the Federal Chief Technologist at EMC says 2013 will be the year that big data becomes a part of agency’s mission. And in order for that to happen Campbell told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

So, What Does This Mean For Feds? The Fiscal Cliff Deal

So, what does all this mean for feds? First, the fiscal cliff agreement doesn’t address the pay freeze for federal workers in any way. The bill that would extend the pay freeze for feds is a separate piece of legislation, which passed in the House with a sizeable majority, 287-129, but has not been broughtRead… Read more »

Establishing Professional Goals

With the dawning of a new year I see so many people talking about their resolutions and goals for 2013. Annual goal setting is not really something I’ve dedicated much time to in the past. Instead, I always seemed to follow a rolling, unwritten list of goals that are separate from the ones I haveRead… Read more »

Instagram: the invisible bit of the story

Like most of the Western world, I’m a little wooly today. Do bear that in mind. Inside the ‘Instragram story’ something very magical happened. Something which I’d never visibly watched happen in realtime before. Some people did a thing and the thing was fast and reactive and it did exactly what it needed to doRead… Read more »

Incredible Time Management Tools

Time management is critical for local government administrators and managers. During my career in local government I found three tools that helped me retain control of my time. With the New Year here I thought I’d share these tools to see if you can incorporate them for your use. If this article is of valueRead… Read more »

Uncharted Water: 10 Simple Steps to Change Your Organization in the New Year

Don’t get scared when heading into uncharted water One of the most difficult situations a technology executive can find himself or herself in is with a clear understanding that the current state of the organization isn’t sustainable but with no clear approach to moving forward. Their may be a myriad of reasons for this unclearRead… Read more »

GovLoop Fall 2012 Mentors Program: Another Success!

GovLoop just concluded its third iteration of its government-wide mentors program. The Fall 2012 cohort had just over 30 pairings and our post-program evaluations have revealed that it was another successful program. Take a quick click through this slide deck to see the stats and stories which show the solid impact the program has hadRead… Read more »

Balancing School and a Part-time Job or Internship

Whether it’s to make money to help pay for school or simply to become financially independent, many students take on a part-time job during their undergraduate years. A part-time job can be a blessing, helping put some of your financial woes at ease by guaranteeing regular income. But combined with your academic commitments, a part-timeRead… Read more »