
Career Thinking at 20+

I get asked a lot about career advice from 20 something folks inside and outside the government. Then my cousin Jay Saunders asked me, and it seemed worth the effort to share the basics that have seemed to help many younger colleagues… Read the rest at Innovation Excellence:

Leadership Today

My thoughts on leadership… Being a leader is about instilling trust in all those individuals you contact daily. Leadership is not inherent in each of us. We must educate ourself to ensure we are able to adapt to each individual’s need regards of their status within an organization. Show respect to gain respect. Show compassionRead… Read more »

You Can’t Fix the Restaurant Until you Fix the People…

This blog post was originally posted on Author: Mark Leheney The supervisor was in disbelief, then shock, then rage, and finally full-out sobbing as she heard the staff talk openly for the first time about what it was like to work for her. For many years, she had run the place, doing whatever sheRead… Read more »

Sustainability in Procurement Fellowship (SPF) Program is accepting applications!

GSA’s SPF program is a professional development program that provides federal employees in-depth training on sustainability. The fellowship covers regulatory requirements, industry trends, systems thinking concepts, and provides hands on sustainability project experience. As part of the fellowship, each employee will receive training in relevant sustainability in procurement topics, perform substantive work on sustainability initiatives,Read… Read more »

3 Negotiation Methods: Phone, In-Person and Email

After using all three in a professional setting for a few years, I think these are some general notes that can help new government contract specialists. Phone Negotiations First, I prefer phone negotiations. They’re usually faster than the alternative and don’t give either side much time to delay, meaning neither side overanalyzes its interests toRead… Read more »