
Transition Tips: 5 Steps to a Presidential Appointment

If you’ve been around Washington long enough, the following should come as no surprise: if you’re a government civil servant interested in landing a presidential or political appointment in the new Administration, the chances are not in your favor. Nevertheless, anything is possible during a presidential transition and longshots do come in — albeit rarely.Read… Read more »

Transition Turmoil Is No Joke — De-mystifying the Second Term’s Revolving Door

The second term revolving door is no myth. In fact the transition from the President’s first term to his second term will bring tremendous change the cabinet and agency leadership. So how should you prepare for the transition and the first 100 days? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at theRead… Read more »

Resume Tips for Prospective Presidential Management Fellows (and Everyone Else!)

We just finished hosting a Google+ On-Air Hangout designed to help prospective Presidential Management Fellows (PMFs) to navigate the application and assessment process – and, more specifically, to submit a resume that accurately reflects unique and valuable experience. I wanted to be sure and share the recording and slide deck for those who missed itRead… Read more »

Former CIO of DOT Speaks on the Transition

What does the transition from President Obama’s first term to his second term mean for political appointees and career staff? Dan Mintz, former CIO of the Department of Transportation weighs in on the transition in today’s DorobekINSIDER interview. Mintz was part of the transition team after former President Bush’s second term. New team = RapidRead… Read more »

Fulfilling America’s Compact with our Veterans–A Call to Action

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, April 23, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print Why are we failing to meet our obligations to our veterans? Ever since the founding of our Republic during the Revolution, persons from all walks of life haveRead… Read more »

Ten “Boring” PR Skills You Need to Have

A few weeks ago, I was talking to some college students about PR, advertising, living in Chicago, and the work I’m doing at C-K. They loved hearing about the work that we’ve done with Corona, Porsche, and Cedar Fair. We talked about branding, TV commercials, media tours, and social media. By the end of ourRead… Read more »

Career Change

I have been working with at-risk youth for the past 20 years and the past 9 in a detention facility. In December I will be receiving my Masters Degree in Public Administration. How do/can I transition my self into the public sector with my previous exerience and education? I also have a under grad degreeRead… Read more »