
Managing Up

Earlier this week, I came across Hannah Ornell, another GovLooper, asking for definitions of “managing up.” I left my thoughts as a comment, but decided to write a blog post so I can find this later. I coach my team pretty frequently on managing up. To me, it’s a set of actions under the umbrellaRead… Read more »

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

Top Career Advice for Government Contracting Professionals – Get Certified!

My colleague Kevin Drummond, a Senior Acquisition Analyst, was asked to come up with his top career advice for yesterday’s Career Fair panel at the NCMA Government Contracts Management Conference. Here’s what he wrote in our Integrity Matters blog. Do you agree? I have many friends and colleagues in the Federal Government and the industryRead… Read more »

Advice for Acing the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Application

In a previous post, I summarized the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s Class of 2013 PMF Assessment Prep Guide, excerpting key segments of their advice and embedding the document for your convenience. They’ve really put together an excellent resource there and I’m impressed overall with the work of the new group that’s leading the charge.Read… Read more »

It’s DCWeek!

If the election doesn’t provide enough excitement for you this week, never fear…it’s also DCWeek. “DCWEEK is a week long festival in the US capitol focused on bringing together designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and social innovators of all kinds.” Yesterday I attended the session titled: “Changing Relationships: Gov 2.0 and the Citizen” at Affinity Lab. PanelistsRead… Read more »

Tim Ferriss on the Quantified Self

By MollyJust Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body, spoke about the popular Quantified Self movement at Wired’s recent health conference – Living By Numbers. The Quantified Self is a movement aimed at integrating technology into the data collection of a person’s daily life in terms of inputs (ex.Read… Read more »

More Speechwriting Tips

More speechwriting tips from the Congressional Research Service: An effective…speech is defined not by rules of rhetoric, but by the character of response it evokes. So true! In fact, I would argue this is the metric of success for all persuasive communications. Another tip: Ideally, a speech draft ought to be reviewed three times: byRead… Read more »

Big Data and Cloud don’t have to be Big Problems – Ajay Budhraja

There is a data explosion occurring in the world. Data that is being created is not just transaction oriented and is not structured. Such data cannot be managed effectively with some data management systems since traditional systems cannot process such data.Data sets are being gathered from a variety of data sources and the volume, velocityRead… Read more »

Need 50+ responses to a 10-minute online survey by Thursday for class project

I NEED TO FIND 50+ SURVEY RESPONDENTS BY THIS THURSDAY! To complete my final project for my master’s in integrated marketing communications, I have to collect responses from 50-100 people by Thursday for my 10-minute survey, and I only have a few thus far! I think Hurricane Sandy has affected a lot of my EastRead… Read more »