
Recruitment 411: An Employee’s Story: Darryl Eaton

One of things we enjoy discussing on this blog are the success stories of our employees. Since October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, it’s perfect time to introduce you to Darryl Eaton. Darryl’s story is just one example of the great things that happen when we celebrate the abilities of all employees. For nearlyRead… Read more »

Transition is An Opportunity – Be Ready

No matter who wins the election in two weeks, change will come. If the President is re-elected, we’ll see some new political appointees coming onboard and certainly new initiatives. If Governor Romney is elected, we’ll see wholesale changes in political personnel and plans; and transition teams will move into agencies quickly. In either case, newRead… Read more »

How to: 5 Tips to Find a Policy Job

I’ve been meeting recently with a number of recent graduates (mainly MPA/MPPs) and I’ve found most of them want “policy jobs.” It’s kind of an interesting situation – these MPA/MPP graduate programs prep them for policy work but honestly there’s not a ton of policy jobs. Most federal openings aren’t about setting policy but aboutRead… Read more »

Keys to a Successful Transition for Female Veterans

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for post-9/11 female veterans surged to 19.9% in September, vs. 14.7 percent a year earlier and 12.1% in August. While the unemployment rate for veterans as a whole is now lower than the general public, that’s obviously not the case for our female vets. OneRead… Read more »

What I did last night instead of blogging

I miss colouring; don’t you? I’ve been chewing on a lot of things this week; but instead of sitting down and writing, I sat down with some of the people that matter the most to me. I sat down and coloured a picture with my kids; something I haven’t done for a long time. MyRead… Read more »